What Can My Financial Advisor Do for Me in My Divorce?

I do a lot of networking – you know, meeting people casually to learn more about who they are and what they do, and share my own experiences. When I explain that I specialize in divorce financial planning, most often I see a cock of the head, a raise of the eyebrow, and that unmistakable question of – but what do you do for a divorce?

Here are just a few tidbits of what I do during the divorce process to help my clients:

  1. I see 10 and 20 years out – so often my clients are stuck in today, and perhaps a bit of tomorrow. But what they can’t see is how their divorce settlement will play out for them down the road. As a financial professional, I am used to making projections which will now help them see if they are likely to be financially secure in the future- as well as right now.
  2. I safeguard their settlements – It can be so tempting. The divorce settlement cash comes in and thoughts of renovating the family room, taking that long awaited vacation, upgrading the car, buying a boat – all come rushing in. But wait….. that settlement is designed to support your lifestyle in the long term. I work with my clients to ensure that they have a solid financial plan. Sure, we get that vacation in the plan – but maybe not the boat. We fix the car instead of buying a new one, and then next year we can re-do the family room. I help clients make sure they don’t burn through their settlement too quickly.
  3. I help account for taxes, inflation, and unexpected expenses –My clients have a budget, they now have their divorce finalized and they know exactly how much they will receive each month. But wait…. Did someone say “new roof?” What about the changes in income taxes once the child deductions are shared? What will replace maintenance income when it comes to an end in five years? Did we account for college costs ten years from now? That’s my job. I make sure that your settlement accounts for the future, and then I help you use your assets and income to support your today in a way that will fuel your tomorrow down the road.
  4. I am your financial protector – I’ve seen it all – bad settlement proposals, one spouse failing to disclose critical financial information, the “bully-effect” that can often carry over from a bad marriage to muddy the waters of divorce negotiations.  My job is to be the eyes, ears and financial protector for my clients.  I see things pragmatically and advise you on what may be right for you regardless of the circumstances that got you here.
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