She Invented That! Alice H. Parker

As those of you who have visited my office know, I have several inspirational sayings and woman-themed calendars in my office.  My new “Inspiring Women” calendar has some great information which I’ll share with you throughout this month.  

Our creativity knows no bounds, whether it involves practical matters or just having fun! 

Here’s some information about women who changed things up for all of us.

Alice H. Parker’s invention was on the practical side, and we are appreciating it enthusiastically during this cold winter.  

She was born  in New Jersey in 1895 and educated at Howard University.  When she was only 24, she was granted a patent on her furnace.  It was the first to use central heating and incorporate air ducts that allowed for heat to be dispersed to a wider area.  It ran on natural gas, safer and cleaner than burning firewood, even back then.  

Her invention is the precursor to today’s zoned heating in our homes and buildings.

She was able to accomplish this in a time even before women were granted the right to vote.

Thanks to Alice for helping to keep us warm.

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