From high profile celebrities like Madonna, Mel Gibson and Jeff Bezos, to your neighbors down
the street, more people are looking at the second half of their lives and asking, “Am I better with
or without my spouse?”

We seek self-fulfillment and personal satisfaction in marriage. We value open and continued
communication, and that may be hard to come by after decades of combining work and home
responsibilities and the demands of child care. About 1/3 of married people have admitted to
financial infidelity- lying about spending, or hiding money from a spouse. Money issues are a
higher indicator of break-up than issues around sex! (Yes, really.)

If you are 65 now, you can expect to live another 20-25 years. Big life changes like an empty
nest, retirement, or the death of a friend can lead to serious reassessment of a relationship that
is less than ideal.

Getting a Divorce Late in Life Has Additional Financial Consequences

Going it alone late in life may offer freedom, but that comes with many challenges. Retirement
funds earmarked for the you as a couple, won’t go as far to support two separate households.
Dividing the number scramble of plans (401k,403b, 457), as well as pensions, IRA’s,
investments and all your marital assets is a very complex process.

Make certain your health and financial houses are in order for the best outcome in your new life.
A Divorce Financial Planner can help you determine how long your assets will last and what
adjustments are needed for continued financial stability. Divorce also underscores the need for
careful estate planning – especially if you have children.

Any divorce is challenging, but in many ways, grey divorce presents the most difficult hurdles of
all. Be sure to hire a qualified divorce team to help you achieve a settlement that recognizes
your unique position while ensuring your financial stability in both the short and long-term.


Avoid the common mistakes most women make about money, especially when they are in crisis- divorce, widowed, etc.  Schedule a free consultation with me at; or call me at 716-817-6425.


Adrienne Rothstein Grace, CDFA™, CFP is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ , author of
Going From We to Me: A Financial Guide to Divorce, and the founder of Transitioning Finances, a financial strategy firm that works with women who are thinking about, or going through, a financially complicated divorce. She also advises women who have lost a loved one, or experienced other financially challenging transitions. She can be reached at:

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