Goal Setting in 2021: Turn last year’s challenges into New Year fuel!

You know, we spend a lot of time in the early part of the New Year thinking about our goals and what we want to accomplish in 2021:

Take on a dream

Move out of an unfulfilling relationship

Lose weight

Gain control of finances

Get a divorce

And I’m all in favor of that. I believe in setting goals. After all, if you don’t know where you are going, it’s super hard to get there!

You’ve overcome some extraordinary things this year, and grown stronger in the process. I know that YOU’RE stronger and more powerful than you know.

I’m Adrienne Rothstein Grace, Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA™). I inspire women in divorce to overcome the overwhelm of the finances of divorce, so they can move on with ease, confidence and security.

Let’s take a moment, and consider your last year, 2020. You can take any challenges, heartache, conflict or “failures” from 2020 and turn them into fuel to propel you forward.

I invite you to consider these questions: 

  • What were the greatest challenges or setbacks you overcame in this past year?
  • What capacities within yourself did you tap into?
  • How have you expanded or grown stronger through this process?

I invite you to take a moment to appreciate yourself for having succeeded and survived these new challenges

I invite you to acknowledge the grace, power, resilience, strength and courage it took you to surmount these circumstances.

Where do you see yourself at this time next year? Let’s work together to help you get there.

Because marriage is about love; divorce is about money, and you don’t have to go thru this alone.

I’d like to gift you a Financial Clarity session, to help outline what you’ll need to do financially to get where you want to go, and see if we can work together from there. Just click on the link below and we’ll talk soon.


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