It’s still the beginning of the year, and tax time is just ahead. This is when many people
take stock of where they are, financially. What might you get back as a tax refund?
What might you owe?
As you take stock of your own financials and debt, it may help to know what’s average
in the nation.¹
Where do YOU stand in relation to the ‘average U.S. Household’?
Do you have one of these- or are you working under the trifecta of debt- with several or
perhaps all of these weighing you down?
How does this make you feel? Are you confident? Scared? Overwhelmed? Do
you need some help?
A financial plan can help you to structure your financial life, so that you can get a better
handle on your debts- and your goals! and move forward in a positive way to a secure
financial future.
As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), I help people manage their financial lives with
ease and confidence, and build toward the goals they want to achieve.
Call me for a free consultation about creating your financial plan.
Avoid the common mistakes most women make about money, especially when they are in crisis- divorce, widowed, etc. Schedule a free consultation with me at; or call me at 716-817-6425.